We’re a serious company with a serious founder.
We don’t goof off. We’re not jovial. We occasionally grimace. The great thing about being oh-so-serious is that when it comes to coffee beans, we are ready to report for service, SIR. We are MILITANT about our beans.

Get the type of roast and flavour you want, know it’ll be bloody good every time, and know it’ll come quickly to soothe your shaky, coffee-loving soul each morning.
Punch-in-the-Guts Dark Roast
The Godfather. This one packs serious oomph. Beautifully bitter, robust, bold, smoky and buxomly bodied. Oh, you’re awake now, baby.
Bang-in-the Middle Medium Roast
The well-rounded, smooth talkin’ sibling, this one offers a lil bit of this and a lil bit of that. Deep, caramel sweetness balanced with dreamy dark undertones.
Skinny Mini Light Roast
The purple-haired sister of the crew. Light roast is where beans come out to play. Vibrant, arty, inherently interesting. Crisp, mellow and beautifully bright.
Buzz-Free De-Caf
All the flavour and none of the shakes. We get the caffeine out while keeping the flavour in. A gentle throttle that’s perfect for a nightcap.
Acute Chai
Seriously sexy. Hot, milky and throbbing with rich aromatic spices like cardamon, cinnamon, ginger and cloves. How you doin’?
Violently Vanilla
This one will have you under its thumb. A fresh, mild, medium roast dripping with rich, creamy French vanilla. Take us, we’re yours.
Driving-me-nuts Macadamia
If you dig subtle, exit stage left. A beautifully balanced medium roast infused with a rich, nutty and oh-so-buttery bomb of flavour.